A Quiet Life

I have been quiet. Perhaps you’ve noticed. Perhaps not.

I’ve been quiet because what can I say? Normally I write about places we go, fun stuff we do. Well, we’re not hiking, we’re not hanging out with friends, I hardly see anyone who doesn’t live in my house. I go to Walmart once a week. Exciting, huh? You want to see pics of me loading milk jugs into my shopping cart? Who said yes? See me after class.

Back when I had a Facebook life, a mood such as this would have resulted in my deactivating my account and forgetting my password for a while.
Thank goodness I no longer have a Facebook life. I’m sure it’s brutal over there.

I can’t talk about anything without talking about THE thing. It’s taken over every aspect of my life. What I did today, where I went (didn’t go), what I read on the internet, what I talked about with my kids and what I prayed about. And I’m tired of talking about it.

I don’t want to talk about it. And there’s no one I want to talk about it with. I agree with some people about some things, and with other people about other things. I don’t agree with anyone about everything. But it’s a heck of a time to be divisive, isn’t it?

So instead of talking about it, I say nothing to no one. I sit at home and work with my hands. I read things written by people who would have rolled their eyes (or in their graves) to see our state of affairs. I enjoy fresh air, music, and sunshine. But I miss seeing people and going places and doing normal things. I feel smothered. Constricted. Strangled. Silenced.

The quiet life, in this case, isn’t so much a choice as a condition of living that was imposed upon me. Wow, this has gotten really depressing. Sorry, guys. I guess this is why I’m not talking about it.

Feel free to NOT tell me in the comments about how you DON’T feel about the thing we’re NOT talking about. Tell me something else. ANYTHING else. I challenge you. You can do it.

Quiet cheer: [whispers] Yay.